78 Citizens Square Rd
The Little Angle Academy agrees to provide child care for
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3. Before any medication is dispensed to my child, I will provide a written authorization, which includes date, name of child, name of medication, prescription number, dosage, date arestime of day medication is to be given. Medicine must be in the original container with my child's name marked on it. 4. My child will not be allowed to enter or leave the facility without being escorted by the parent(s), person authorized by parents(s), or facility personnel. 5. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to keep my child's records current to reflect any significant changes as they occur, e.g., telephone numbers, work location, emergency contacts, child's physician, child's health status, infant feeding plans and immunization records, etc. 6. Little Angels Academy agrees to keep me informed of any incidents, including illnesses, injuries, adverse reactions to medications, and exposure to communicable diseases, which include my child. 7. Little Angels Academy agrees to obtain written authorization from me before my child participates in routine transportation, field trips, special activities away from the facility, and water-related activities occurring in water that is more than two (2) feet deep. 8. I understand my weekly childcare rate is $_ per week payable on Monday of the week of services. 9. I agree to provide Little Angels Academy with a 2 week notice prior to any vacation time and agree to pay childcare fees in their absence to hold my child's position during any vacation time or extended leave due to illness. 10. I am fully aware and agree to pay my child's tuition in full every Monday, as long as my child is ENROLLED at Little Angels Academy. 11. I understand and agree that tuition must be paid even if my child does not attend. 12. Parent and Little Angels Academy agree to provide a 2-week written notice to terminate this contract. If a 2-week written notice is not given to Little Angels Academy prior to withdrawal of my child, then the final 2-week fees will still be payable. 13. Registration fee is $150. This is due once a year in January. 14. I hereby grant permission for Little Angels Academy to use any photo or video of my child for the purposes of school use only. 15. I do not grant Little Angels Academy permission. 16. If your child is hitting and kicking other children and teachers repeatedly more than three times, we will notify you and may be terminated if occurrence persists.
suffer an injury or illness while in the care of Little Angels Academy Inc. and the facility is unable to contact me (us) innmedisucly, it shall be authorized to secure such medical attention and care for the child as may be necessary. I (We) shall assume responsibility for payment for services.
I understand that I am being informed in writing by signing this acknowledgement that Little Angels Academy Inc, does not carry Hability insurance sufficient to protect my children in the event of an injury, etc.
In CACFP, programs must offer a USDA approved "ready-to-feed" commercially prepared iron-fortified milk-based infant formula to infants in their care. The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning only permits these types of commercially prepared, "ready-to-feed" formula.
Name of Sponsor: Quality Care for Children
According to USDA regulations, as an institution participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, I must offer to provide meals to all infants enrolled for care in my center/facility.
Do not complete unless the center section above has been filled-in with both formula and cereal above.
Select One Option:
The introduction of age-appropriate solid foods should preferably occur at six months of age, but no sooner than four months.
Has the parent discussed with the child’s primary caregiver that the child has met appropriate developmental skills for the introduction of solid foods?
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